Monday, August 17, 2009

4. Computer Programming with flowcharting Technique (page 4)

free counters

2. Programming base logic
Line passed by process to can be in the form of successive line ( sequence), ramification ( branching) and loop ( looping). Program is built by using the lines

2.1. Sequence = successive

Originally process A is continued [by] process B then C, D and successive E

2.2. Branching = ramification

Fig .2
After doing process A and B then process C. At C happened process decision (determination test of choice). By seeing condition of result of data processing, program will choose distribute to D or H.

For example: at program has been determined if data value = 0, hence process distribute to process D, E, F, and G and so.

If data value not = 0, hence process distribute to process H, I, and towards to process G and so.

2.3. Looping = loop


When at process branching ( ramification) direction of process after decision towards to the next process ( forwards) hence at process looping after decision ( F) computing process can be distribute to the next process is processing G or returns towards process C to pass process H, I

3. Programming Language BASICA
Basica is programming language basis for studies Visual Basic and VBasicNet which the existing popular. Hereinafter all content of this book applies Bahasa Basica of the DOS 6.

3.1 Simple data types.
To learn base logic, enough to know simple data that is string and numeric

3.1.1. Data string ( $) be data to [him] cannot be done mathematics process

3.1.2. Data numeric always can be processed in mathematics.

Example: A$ ( A string)="17". B$ = "08" and C$= "1945"

If summed up: A$ + B$ + C$ result is "17081945" (Indonesian Independence day).

For data numeric, for example K=17, L=08, M=1945.

If summed up: K + L+ M hence result is 1970.

3.2. Changes data string to become numeric and conversely
Convertible string data become numeric by order of VAL (Value).

A= val(A$) = val(“17”) = 17
B= val(B$)= val(“08”) = 8
C= val(C$) =val(“1945”) = 1945
A + B + C = 1970

Data numeric earns also is altered to become data string by order of STR$

K$= STR$(K) = STR$(17) = “17”
L$ = STR$(L) = STR$(08)=”08”
M$ = STR$(M) = STR$(1945) = “1945”
K$ + L$ + M$ = “170845”

4. Iteration Process
Process looping the always yields new value change called as iteration.

Iteration is formulated in the form of X = X + A which A is a numeric one

4.1. Iteration formula X = X + A (A = numeric)
The first X is the new value.
The second X is the old value

For example: iteration formula P = P + 3

For example as initial value is determined by P(0)=5

At First step P(1) = P(0) + 3 = 5 + 3 = 8

At second step P(2) = P(1) + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11

At third step P(3) = P(2) + 3 = 11 + 3 = 14

That way further the iteration process will continue until reached certain condition which has been programmed.
