Sunday, September 6, 2009

17. Computer Programming with flowcharting Technique (page 17)

free counters

7. Command loopingBeside using command GOTO
Looping can be done with statement
a. FOR - - - NEXT - - STEP
b. DO [ (WHILE) condition ] [statement block] . . . LOOP
c. DO [ (UNTIL) condition ] [statement block] . . . LOOP
d. DO [statement block] . . . LOOP [ (WHILE) condition ]
e. DO [statement block] . . . LOOP [ (UNTIL) condition ]
f. WHILE . . . WEND

For example :
7.1. Single LoopingPrint number 1 to 100 successive ( step 1)
( Output : 1 2 3 4 5 . . . . . 100 )
With GOTO statement

